Who Was Valerie Solanas? Born on April 9, 1936, in Ventnor City, New Jersey, Valerie Solanas was an extreme women’s activist and author. She confronted a very violent adolescence, and as indicated by the book ‘Manufacturing plant Made: Warhol and the Sixties’ by Steven Watson, she shared that her dad physically manhandled her more than once. Additionally, she left her grandparents’ home at age 15, and in 1953, she had two kids with a wedded man, who were in the end removed. Notwithstanding this multitude of hardships, Valerie graduated secondary school and procured a degree in brain research from the University of Maryland, College Park.


Valerie emerged as a lesbian during the 50s, and in the wake of exiting the University of Minnesota’s Graduate School of Psychology, she started thinking of her famous ‘Society for Cutting Up Men (SCUM) Manifesto.’ Published in 1967, it expects to demonstrate that no one but ladies can fix the world and that the male sex should be wiped out. She additionally composed the self-portraying brief tale ‘A Young Girl’s Primer on How to Attain the Leisure Class’ in 1965.

For what reason Did Valerie Solanas Shoot Andy Warhol? During the 60s, Valerie moved to New York City. In 1967, she met Andy Warhol outside his studio, The Factory, in New York City. She gave him a composition of her hype ‘Your Ass,’ about a lesbian sex laborer who winds up killing a man. She trusted that he would deliver the play, and he acknowledged the content for survey. Notwithstanding, Warhol observed the play generally disgusting and told her that he had lost the content. He proposed to remunerate her by offering her a job in his suggestive show film ‘I, A Man.’

Valerie further had a non-talking job in another of his films named ‘Bikeboy.’ Furthermore, Warhol tracked down her an extraordinary talker and allegedly recorded their discussions, excepts from which regularly seemed uncredited in a portion of his motion pictures as exchanges. Whenever he wouldn’t answer her calls and questions about her play, Valerie before long started feeling subverted by him and fostered a dread that he was taking her thoughts.

Subsequent to flooding Warhol with steady calls and compromising letters for quite a long time, Valerie started battling with expanded lunacy and neurosis. On June 3, 1968, she visited Margo Feiden’s home in Brooklyn and purportedly undermined her at gunpoint to deliver her play. As indicated by Margo in the 2014 book ‘Valerie Solanas’ by Breanna Fahs, Valerie took out a weapon on her and said, “OK, you will deliver the play since I’ll shoot Andy Warhol and that will make me well known and the play popular, and afterward you’ll create it.”

Valerie had doubtlessly bought the firearm a couple of days before that date. Subsequent to compromising Margo, she then, at that point, continued to The Factory and trusted that Warhol will show up. At 2 pm, she went up the lift notwithstanding the alerts of movie chief and Warhol’s nearby partner Paul Morrissey. While the craftsman was on a call, Valerie pulled out a .32 Beretta and terminated at him threefold. The initial two shots missed yet the third penetrated his crucial organs. She further shot craftsmanship pundit Mario Amaya who was available there yet couldn’t shoot Warhol’s director Fred Hughes when her firearm stuck.

Fred requested that Valerie leave, and she in the long run handed herself over and admitted her activities to the police that very day. Also, she let them know that Warhol had an excessive amount of command over her life. While Mario supported just a minor hip injury, Warhol was momentarily proclaimed dead upon landing in the emergency clinic. Following an essential 5-drawn out a medical procedure, he had the option to get by. During her hearing at Manhattan Criminal Court, Valerie communicated no regret over her activities, and after a mental assessment, she was pronounced intellectually ill suited.

On June 28, 1968, Valerie was prosecuted on charges of endeavored murder, attack, and unlawful ownership of a firearm. Albeit, in January 1969, she was determined to have constant distrustful schizophrenia. In the wake of being considered fit to stand preliminary, she confessed to the accuse of careless attack of purpose to hurt and was condemned to three years in jail in June 1969. She served just a single year of her sentence and was delivered in 1971 from the New York State Prison for Women. Be that as it may, she was captured again in November 1971 for following Warhol on the phone and standardized.

In a July 1977 meeting with The Village Voice, Valerie supported her activities and expressed, “I think about that as an ethical demonstration. What’s more, I think of it as shameless that I missed. I ought to have done target practice.” The author died of pneumonia on April 25, 1988, matured 52. In the interim, Warhol endured the side-effects of this going for the remainder of his life. Did it cause him actual ramifications, however he was intellectually scarred by the nerve racking experience.

Warhol lived in anxiety toward one more assault and fostered a fear for emergency clinics and ailment. The effect of the shooting on his mind was reflected in his works of art also, especially in the ‘Demise and Disaster’ series. Regardless of a few group having denounced Valerie’s activities, some have attempted to track down her thinking behind them.

For example, cosmetics craftsman Gigi Williams, who worked with Warhol intently, partook in the docuseries ‘The Andy Warhol Diaries’ that the craftsman was gone for doubtlessly defaming crafted by quite a few people of his colleagues and dreams, Valerie being one of them. With or without contentions, this shooting was for sure great in changing Warhol’s convictions and work process, as well as influencing his connections.