Colonel. Dr. Kizza Besigye is an Ugandan doctor, government official, and previous Uganda People’s Defense Force military official. Warren Kizza Besigye Kifefe (born April 22, 1956) is an Ugandan doctor, government official, and previous Uganda People’s Defense Force military official.

He was likewise the leader of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) ideological group, and he stood fruitlessly for President of Uganda in 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016, all losing to occupant Yoweri Museveni, who has filled in as President of Uganda since January 26, 1986.

The court found significant control and disappointment in the 2006 political decision results, which were challenged in court. He consented to an early inside FDC political decision for another president on November 24, 2012, which occurred.

For what reason was Kizza Besigye captured once more? Ugandan police caught Kizza Besigye, a previous official competitor and political extremist, as he endeavored to leave his home in Kasangati, Wakiso District.

This was at a Thanksgiving ceremony organised by Deputy L/Mayor Nyanjura’s family in Nyamabuga, Kyenjojo District.

His full name will be Ssalongo Erias Lukwago Apuuli! Mutyo muno.

— Kifefe Kizza-Besigye (@kizzabesigye1) June 11, 2022

He is presently being confined in a police vehicle left close to his home. The senior lawmaker was his course to Kasangati to communicate his dismay about rising ware costs.

The police refered to not an obvious explanation for his detainment on Monday. Since early this month, Dr. Besigye has been censuring President Yoweri Museveni’s administration for never really protecting Ugandans deprived from rising food costs.

The Wealth of Kizza Besigye Kizza Besigye is said to have a total assets of between $1 million and $5 million bucks. As per reports, his effective expert vocation as a lawmaker and doctor is likewise his primary kind of revenue.

Furthermore, after graduation, Besigye worked for a short time frame at Mulago National Hospital. Afterward, he disappeared to Kenya, an adjoining country, to live in banishment. While he was there, he applied to the Medical Board for enrollment as a specialist.

Moreover, following the 2021 races, Besigye laid out the People’s Front for Transition, an umbrella gathering devoted to achieving change in Uganda.

Group of Kizza Besigye Warren Kizza is a person in the film Warren Kizza In the film, Besigye is a person. Warren Kizza is a person in the film Warren Kizza Besigye Kifefe was born in Rwakabengo, Rukungiri Municipality, Rukungiri District, southern Uganda, on April 22, 1956. He was the second of six kids in his family, and both of his folks died before he completed grade school. His dad was a cop.

He likewise went to Kinyasano Basic School and Mbarara Junior School for his elementary school training. He went to Kitante High School in Kampala for his Ordinary Levels and Kigezi High School in Kabale District for his Advanced Levels.