Sondergaard declares to be a confidence healer and witness. The elitist says he has direct associations with God and gets dreams from the all-powerful.

He established The Last Reformation, a zealous Christian development, in 2011. Sondergaard accepts chemical imbalance is brought about by devilish belonging and claims submerging kids in wheelie receptacles can fix the ailment.

Why Was Torben Sondergaard Arrested In Florida, What Did He Do? Torben Søndergaard got captured for pirating firearms into Mexico on July 4, 2022. A few reports consider the allegations misleading, however nothing is affirmed at this point.

Sondergaard was living in Denmark. In 2019, The country’s lawmakers chose to pursue Torben and record legitimate charges against him. In the wake of hearing this, he quietly left the nation and traveled to the United States.

Once more there, he began another comparative association. Notwithstanding many individuals, chapels, and the press denouncing him, Sondergaard is yet to pay any outcomes.

Concerns are filling in the US now. A board individual from The Last Reformation expressed that the development has become outrageous in its techniques and initiative. Torben, in any case, disposed of that analysis.

Danish enemy of clique company, InsideOut, gave an admonition against him. Director Camilla Johnson said Sondergaard has completed fierce expulsions to decontaminate delinquents. He purportedly mishandles his adherents as well.

Is Torben Sondergaard In Prison? Torben Sondergaard was apparently kept by the FBI and Homeland Security. The strict evangelist is in Florida jail.

He and his family looked for shelter in the United States in 2019 and just got away from jail in his nation of origin.

Subsequent to taking off from specialists, the Danish government sent film teams and secret columnists to uncover him. A couple of years after the fact narrative ‘God’s Best Children’ was circulated.

Torben was depicted as a liar and victimizer. His actual face emerged to general society, and many requested an examination.

Sondergaard moved to North Carolina in September 2019. He is setting up Noah’s Ark. He utilizes buzzword phrases like ask on the off chance that you are one of the animals(people) God is calling to assist with cash.

In August 2020, Torben was visiting across America as God believed that him should do as such. He gets down on COVID-19 as a communist plan that removes out independence from individuals.

— ✝️ Faith, Family, Fitness & Freedom (@Maranatha_89) July 4, 2022

Torben Sondergaard Wife And Family Torben Sondergaard is a hitched man who has been living with his better half, Lene, for over 24 years.

The couple crossed each other without precedent for a big Christian show. Torben claims that while he was there, God requested that he turn around and said your future spouse is remaining behind you.

As Sondergaard turned his head, he saw Lene. The pair again met three months after the fact and wedded in a couple of years.

Torben and Lene have brought up three youngsters. They are currently grandparents to kids. He wished Lene a cheerful 40th birthday celebration on Facebook and stated, “I express gratitude toward God for her; she is an astonishing gift.”