The latest not-so-secret secret concerns the upcoming Battle Royale mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. At this point, the existence of the mode is more fact than fiction. Not only has it been leaked by all the usual dataminery but also by the game itself, thanks to a greyed-out menu found just after Season 2 dropped last week.

Well, it looks like the newest rumor is that Modern Warfare’s battle royale mode will drop in March. Reportedly, it’s called Warzone. 

This all comes off of the back of a report from VGC, where sources say that the mode is a few weeks away, but that it is indeed coming. It will apparently unlock via the aforementioned greyed-out menu option, but it will also be released as a standalone game for free. 

Apparently, the proper marketing for the mode will kick off sometime this week, with North American content creators visiting the studio and prepping videos for the official reveal is.

The concept of a free Call of Duty mode is certainly enticing, and no doubt the aim of the mode is to draw in new players and get them to buy the Modern Warfare reboot. It’s likely to work, though it also means that many people will simply be getting a new battle royale game to play for free. 

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more on the not-so-classified Modern Warfare battle royale mode in the coming days and weeks. 

Will Modern Warfare s Rumored Battle Royale Mode Deploy Soon     Call of Duty  Modern Warfare - 58