The listing calls for the usual experience with programming languages and understanding of graphics architecture. It lists AMD, which one would expect given that’s what the PS4 uses. But right after that, it lists Nvidia Cuda. The next line asks for experience with “DirectX12, Vulkan or other modern graphics or computer APIs.”
With rumors about Horzion: Zero Dawn and Death Stranding making the leap to PC, the first conclusion that presents itself is that we can expect The Last of Us Part 2 on PC eventually as well. A slightly more farfetched conclusion is that the PlayStation 5 will use these architectures, and this position would be working on an eventual PS5 port of the game.
At this point, though, it’s all conjecture. We know the PS5 will be a lot different from the PS4, but not how different. We also have very little knowledge about what games will be available on next-gen hardware when it launches holiday 2020, what ports we might see, and what brand-new IPs we can look forward to.
The full job listing can be seen here.
Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Last of Us 2 and PlayStation 5 news as it develops.